We choose to split the different actions we are going to undertake in seven main work packages.

WP1: Management and Implementation – Leader: BRFAA
This WP deals with project management and coordination. This WP includes also the evaluation and monitoring of the project objectives and impact. EURAC will be the leader of these actions by monitoring the progress of the project to meet the objectives on a continuous basis. Standardized measures, such as questionnaires, will be used to evaluate the acceptability of the course and the blended learning platform. This WP will be a comprehensive report that is the basis for further development in the project.
WP2: Development and design of the course and the e-platform
The main object of WP2 is the design and development of the SCIBIOEU course and the e-platform. The following activities will take place:
Due to the fact that there are substantial differences in educational practices among EU countries, extensive research on the existing courses on science outreach will be conducted in order to collect the most appropriate tools and the best practices for the SCIBIOEU course. – MUG will adapt and share the existing courses and good practices from their network.
In order to create materials and tools that will be useful for covering the communication gap between scientists and the general public, we will map the needs of scientists on awareness of biobanking, the course and the Serious Game (SG) by developing a questionnaire and conducting online focus groups with experts in the field.
The final course will be developed in order for students can create their own interactive events that they can then bring into practice in the pilot. Different examples and good practices will be provided that they can use to make their own assignment.
Translation of the materials and Lessons of the course into all languages of the consortium.
Development of the transnational blended e-learning platform.
Integration of the new e-platform including the course into partners’ platforms.
WP3: Design and Development of SCIBIOEU Serious Game
The general object of WP3 is to design and develop a public-friendly Serious Game (SG) on biobanking that will be a means of communication between science and the general public. This WP consists of the following actions:
Literature review on existing material and SG in biobanking.
Development of a semi-structured questionnaire focusing on the needs of target groups in order to ensure that the SCIBIOEU SG will be a useful tool for the communication of scientists with the general public and to increase its effectiveness.
Online mixed focus groups with the target groups (general public, patients, scientists, students, professors, and game designers) of the SG in biobanking.
Development of the appropriate content and the final digital SG.
Testing of the usability and effectiveness of this SG with the involvement of mixed groups of final users.
Finalisation of the SCIBIOEU digital SG and translation in 5 languages.
WP4: SCIBIOEU training in practice
The main objectives of WP4 is to test the SCIBIOEU training course and the SG and to provide a practical digital Handbook for future scientist on how to communicate with the public on biobanking issues. In WP4, the WP2 and WP3 materials, the course, the e-learning platform, and the SG will be tested. Participants of the pilots will provide feedback in order to increase the quality, usefulness, and applicability of WP2 materials. The results of this pilot will help us to develop the Guidelines which will be a useful Handbook for any scientists who would like to implement awareness activities to the general public. In more detail, WP4 consists of:
A Learning Teaching Activity at the University of Cyprus in order to train and empower teachers’ s knowledge and skills to implement the pilot of the course.
Six iterative rounds of 3 months. Each HEI and institution of the consortium
will include the SCIBIOEU course in their curriculum for testing and they implement the training of theory and practice. Evaluation of the outcomes of pilots for further improvement and the development
of the implementation guidelines.
Development of the “Best Practice Guidelines for Provision of Science Outreach”, a practical digital Guide for any student and young scientist in order to be ready to organise completed events for public awareness.
Development of a Guideline Handbook in 4 languages in order to support institutions and HEIs across Europe to implement the training, and the teaching material, supporting the impact, replicability, and sustainability of SCIBIOEU outcomes.
WP5: Dissemination and exploitation activities – Leader: BRFAA
This WP concerns the ongoing dissemination of the project and the WPs at local, national and EU levels. Partners will continuously disseminate the ongoing WPs at their local level and within their organizations. 5 Multiplier Events will be organised (one in each country) to spread the outcomes.